KPBX host John Johnson discusses A Hard Day’s Night, the movie that started it all, and the band that influenced music forever, at the January KPBX Kids’ Concert.
SPR Health Forum examines the causes & effects that hinder sleep, and introduces treatments that lead to uninterrupted rest.
March KPBX Kids’ Concert features tropical music from Moko Jumbie & dance from The Silver Spurs.
KSFC introduces a new program, Sound Medicine, on Sunday afternoons.
SPR welcomes Julie Bookstrom in the membership office.

Sound Circle is introduced as a way for listeners to make a substantial annual contribution to SPR.
Musicfest Northwest broadcasts live from KPBX studios.
KPBX Kids’ Concerts feature Austin Little, Don Thomsen, John Sylte, The Skillet Pickers and the Spokane British Brass Band Ensemble.
Listeners are urged to participate in Bike to Work Week, along with the SPR team, captained by Verne Windham.
Amanda Loder receives Regional Edward R. Murrow award for Native Health news series.

Community programs include KPBX Kids’ Concerts, An Evening Under the Stars, and The Blues Cruise.
SPR podcasts are introduced as a new way for listeners to access programs.
Back to the Garden: Woodstock Remembered airs on KPBX to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the concert.
Verne Windham is honored at the Royal Fireworks Concert with the Allegro Bravo Award, for outstanding support to the performing arts in Spokane, helping to create an environment in which performing arts can thrive.

KSFC introduces a new weekend lineup of programs.
Community events include a Cowboy music & poets for KPBX Kids’ Concerts, Fall Folk Fest on Halloween, State of the Region panel with local politicians & professionals, and a Fall Fund Drive.
Ira Glass gets Murrow Award for his This American Lifeprogram.
KPBX Kids’ Concerts feature Ann Fennessey, Kristina Ploeger & the Jazz Boys, and in December, Jewish Traditions with the Kosher Red Hots.