SPR launches its first (and successful) one day pledge drive.
Don Gonyea comes to Spokane to present a lecture and audience Q&A program at The Bing Crosby Theater, to benefit SPR.
A special Movies 101 program is recorded at The Bing Crosby Theater, with a discussion of the films of Alfred Hitchcock, followed by a screening of “North by Northwest.”
The Ted Radio Hour begins airing as a regular part of the Sunday morning lineup on KSFC.
Talk of the Nation airs its last program at the end of June.
The Takeaway and Q with Jian Ghomeshi replace Talk of the Nation.
Radiolab replaces the Sunday airing of Car Talk on KPBX.
Indie Bandstand is replaced by The Needle Drop on Saturdays at midnight.
Science Friday returns to KSFC, both Friday late morning and late evening.
Renee Montagne comes to Spokane for a lecture and Q&A session to benefit SPR.