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Season 7, Episode 19: The All-Ann Episode

Who is the mysterious "Ann" of the episode title, and why has she taken an entire episode for herself? Well, only Tony and Kevin's various failures can say, which they do and will. In any case, "Ann Porter," an artist (from "Sandpoint," "Idaho" (not real places, we understand)) all by herself drives long, scriptish knives into the chilly heart of Vichy America.  First up is a word from "Javanka," a pale, off-white coffee from Ivanka and Jared Trump.  Next is "Bad Advice" columnist Lydia Loveless, who explains how and why her advice column helps make life worse for its readers. After that, Ann sends Tony on a disastrous vacation to Wales for "The Running of the Corgis." Yes, Tony is once again gored by a corgi.  After the blood is more or less mopped up, we hear from a new sponsor, "Betty Bunch's Household Pepper Spray," the hostile deodorizer from ICE, now available for home use.  Finally, in "Dean Sweeney: Part-Time Lothario," roving reporter Chris Chatwell interviews Dean before his mom, at last, interrupts with his lunch.  

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