This episode title is the runner-up for the third squirmiest title of all time, and yet upon close examination and then further scrutiny, nobody can find a single reason for that status. Just be careful to sit with people you know when you wander unaccountably into a diner. The partly jelly-related episode segments include—in spite of popular demand—a years-delayed return of “British Pub Crawl with Stephen Crawley.” This time, we find Stephen toiling in a pub in the very dampest part of England, when who walks in but world-famous travel guru whose name rhymes with “Mick Weaves”! Stephen suffers accordingly. Next, low-budget larcenist Edwin Slezak tries to sell you “Plaice Masks”—from real plaice(!)—to keep idiot non-mask-wearers at bay and also because he got a real deal on a basementful of plaice. Finally, socialist pirate “Captain Posy Sue” captures a yacht, aided by crossover character Timmy from the beloved “Family Dentistry” series. Timmy is ready to floss away anybody’s jelly, putting the “high” in hygiene.