Lady MacBeth speaks to the 21st century, now in powdered form! Only a few chunks of the milk powder are dropped on the tongues of the kids at the Lower Heights Child Labor Force Camp, and on most states. Tony moans about his bout of Covfefe, and Kevin sighs at the probabilistic nature of all science except Physics and old men's pregnancies. But there’s no evading the episode’s segments. First up is “Permanent Juror,” in which we learn that accountability for holders of the public trust is not even probabilistic, especially with courtroom yoga. Next comes a commercial for the “Men in Charge Parade Float”—as the curtains come down on this beloved show, even our parade float is up for sale. It also comes with stuff, so buy it. Finally, we return to “Faculty Meetings,” where the school’s true work is accomplished. In this segment, all the books are gone from the library. Where did they go? And why is the Principal in the slammer? Listen, and share your bewilderment with others!