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Season 10, Episode 7: This Time We Have an Excuse!

Kevin and Tony make the arch but essential distinction between confessing to whatever idiocies they may or may not have committed and providing an exculpating justification. You could learn something from this, Listener. But if you don’t, you can still attend carefully to this episode’s segments. First we have a return to “Pox & Phlegm,” with a special guest: Florida congressman Matt Gaetz, who has no excuse for anything, whether it’s “teen dating,” cocaine use, or lying unconvincingly. Next, a commercial for “Melania’s Mousse & Fuss Hair Salon,” which reveals what really goes through the FFLOTUS’s head, and why. Finally, the fourth (4th) in the meta-neo- noir series, “A Man Called Bamby,” in which Michael and Bamby board the train that has been chasing them and are then treated rudely by a teenage girl. Naturally, there’s no excuse for that sort of behavior, but she doesn’t care.  

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